Thursday, July 22

Feelin' queasy

Round three of chemo (halfway on the heavy drugs) went fairly well on Wednesday, except that I had to have the cold cap/gloves on for way too long because the nurse forgot to start the Taxotere IV. I bore the pain well at first but it just builds up and gets too unbearable at times. I pull my hands out, warm them up a bit and then shove them back into the freezing gel-filled mits. Can't eat, drink or read during this time because I can't grip anything (and it's usually lunchtime by then). There are 5 caps @ 35 min each and two pairs of gloves @ 45 min each. Brrrr!

Today was interesting. I attempted to avoid the anti-nausea medications (mainly Dexamethasone) which cause severe constipation. I had three different lots of anti-nausea meds on the day of chemo, and being steroids they have their own side effects. I consider myself to have been very brave today, taking the herbal medication instead. I had waves of queasiness and heartburn, but haven't puked yet! Yay! I've eaten well, which is also important.

Thank you to my family in South Africa who were and are thinking of me, and encouraging me so nicely. I really do appreciate that .....

From Drop Box

No matter how bad life has treated you, just walk tall with your head high!!!

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