I had so much energy yesterday evening after chemo that ran from 11am to 3pm. But I haven't been too well today at all. I decided to cut down my doses of Dexamethazone further (it is a steroid with anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory effects), so only took my dose yesterday morning before they gave me another dose just before inserting the IV. I took the anti-nausea herbal medicine but needed the other Dexamethazone this morning, along with headache pills. I have had some lymphoedema in my arm where the nodes were taken out and I've been drifting in and out of sleep all morning (something that wouldn't usually have started until late Friday/Saturday). But perhaps this is a good thing because the residual effects of the chemo might leave my body sooner! Pity I missed the dentist appointment for my daughter as a result, but then I did manage to drag my pale-faced aching body through a quick shop before getting the girls from school. Joy joined us for afternoon tea, and it's always lovely having a visitor to take your mind off your worries. My Mum and Rose have also phoned to find out how I am, and that's nice too!
So, I'm going to take it easy again tomorrow. It's lovely lying in bed being helpless - it gives you permission to duck out of life and not have to go anywhere or be anything to anyone. I've enjoyed the relief teaching but it's also nice to have a break. Some people have no choice but to work throughout chemo, whilst others are unable to work or even do exercise. I am going to keep aiming to fill my life with some work, some exercise and quite a lot of relaxing. I hope you do, too!
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