Well, it's taken a few days but the office is looking a lot better and you can actually move in it now! I hope to post before and after pics, just for a laugh.
I let Belle, the naturopath, know about my fingers being tingly and she gave me activated B6 which should help. I was panicking because I read some comments from women online who'd had irreversible neuropathy, but after speaking with my oncologist I felt much better. He didn't seem to think it was a problem and that it would be reversible, so that's a relief.
Meawhile, although I am looking well and everyone says so, I am not feeling too happy with myself. I am kind of bored at the same time as feeling guilty because I know there's a lot I SHOULD be doing. I ought to be exercising more, doing deep breathing, eating at set times and transferring all my teaching materials to electronic format. Not browsing the internet for binaural meditation tracks and going through old emails {if you've not heard from me for a while, it may be because I'd read your email and become distracted}. I think of you all, working at your jobs and enjoying the fact that you are wanted and needed in your workplace. You are lucky. I know I should be using this time creatively, to have fun and get healthy, but I fear I may just be getting lazier ......
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