Friday, July 16

'Flu season

I guess I couldn't avoid it! I've been incapacitated by the dreaded 'lurgy. After accepting that I would not be able to teach classrooms of kids breathing viruses or germs on or near me, it happened to me in the school holidays! I literally stayed in bed for two days, taking herbal throat medicine on top of my copious amounts of vitamins. It was so bad I thought I'd caught a 'man cold' - I felt snotty and miserable. Finally, after five days I think I am on the mend. I do believe I will not require antibiotics, which is amazing! It started in my throat and tonsils, became a head cold and then tried to get into my lungs. Thank goodness Belle (my naturopath) has given me so much stuff to bolster my immunity. I can see it's really made a difference!

You might not want to know this but one effect of chemotherapy is that it can bring on menopause prematurely, which is why some women's hair grows back grey. They may stop having their monthly cycle altogether during treatment, and then permanently. Looks like mine has been disrupted by a week, but luckily it's not gone! I can only speak for my situation now; I'll only know long-term effects later.

I can't believe I still have my hair. Some started coming out a couple of weeks ago, but it didn't get worse. And I even need a haircut; that's nice to know!

I'm sorry if any emails are bouncing back. We attempted to change service providers, little realising it would entail over a week of being disconnected. I'm writing this using Arthur's dongle (as the actress said to the bishop).

Have a lovely weekend! {I have chemo to look forward to on Wednesday}


  1. Hi Laura

    Yolanda here - Peter's fiance, a future Mrs Tew as well ;)

    I'm glad you're feeling better - I'm always surprised at how much better a cup of coffee can make you feel.

    I've been following your blog for a bit to see how you guys are keeping - strange how attached I feel to you guys without having spend any time with you yet. I guess it's because everyone here loves you guys so much and speak of you all the time.

    Please take care of yourself and I will speak to you again soon...

  2. I thought I replied to this, Sorry Yolanda! Perhaps this blogger isn't so efficient at posting messages up. (Hopefully we'll also be in email contact soon.) It's nice to 'meet' you and thanks for your kind thoughts!
